Add Staff Member

Add Staff Member

Staff Form

This page is used to create new staff member, the manager can create the staff member by using this page.
Manager is a role of the staff member which have permission to add a staff member.


Staff Form Click here to read about the breadcrumb

Top Menu

Staff Form

This portion shows top menu of the page.

Field Area
User name*: Select a user name by click on the select user name link.
Roles*: Select the role by click on the roles.
First Name*: Enter the first name.
Last Name*: Enter the last name.
Email Address*: Enter the email address.
Office Phone: Enter the office phone.
Extension: This field is for phone extension.
Mobile No: Enter the mobile number.
Picture: There is a button to select the picture.
Account Status: There is button Which we use to select the account status active or disable.

Fields title that has '*' next to their title are required.

A manager can add the staff member by click on the add staff member button. Which is the right side of the breadcrumbs.
When manager fill all the required fields and clicks on save staff member button, new staff member will be created.

When click on select user link a pop-up will display you.


Staff Form

When pop-up will appear on screen, pop-up is used for selecting the user on whose behalf staff member will be created.

Pop-up Header

Staff Form

This portion is pop-up header it has close icon (cross image) on the right side that can be used to close the pop-up.

Pop-up Search

Staff Form

This portion is a search for add staff member page, it can be used to find any specific Staff member.
staff member can search on the basis of user name, name and email address. Click on search button will 
show staff member, reset button disables the criteria and shows all the staff member.

Pop-up Field

Staff Form

This portion represents different columns of data are (user id, user name, email address, name).

Staff Form

This portion represents a single user and provides us details about that specific user like user id, 
user name, email address and name.


Add Role
Click here to
Assign Role Permissions
Click here to


Click here to
File Extension
Click here to

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