Purchase History > click on user name.
This Page is used for view details about a purchase history.
This portion has a back link that takes to control panel and page title.
This portion has title of the credit pack that was purchased in current purchase history.
This portion has all the fields regarding purchase history.
Payer name: name of the user who bought the package
Payer email address: email address of the user who bought the package
Payer address: address of the user who bought the package
Payer contact number: contact number of the user who bought the package
Amount paid: amount paid and currency to purchase the package
Transaction number: transaction id
Payment gateway: payment gateway used for purchase
Transaction Status: transaction status (approved, pending)
Purcahse date: date when the user purchased package
Credits: how many crdeits were there in the purchased package
Package expiry: package expiry in days
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