Vehicle Alert

Whenever user searches for vehicle using any of our search interfaces, he can save that search 
criteria as vehicle alert criteria whether there was any results or not for the search.

Vehicle Alert

This is top portion of vehicle listing (in vehicle search result case) it has button for saving 
vehicle alert. When user clicks on this button a popup opens on screen that has two fields and a
button, the fields are for email and alert type. if user fills the fields and clicks on get 
alerts buttons. vehicle alert will be subscribed and a message will appear on screen telling 
whether action was successful or not.
Email field is for on which email vehicle alerts will be sent by the system.
Alert type field is for the frequency of vehicle alert emails to a user, the options are daily,
weekly and monthly. 
The criteria for vehicle alert will be the search criteria of current layout (vehicle 
search results).

Vehicle Alert

There is a configuration that can trigger popup automatically after a defined time period. 

There is a configuration that controls the visibility of button and popup (and popup delay in auto trigger case). admin can show button, show popup and show both (button and popup).

The button and popup can be managed from here
The delay for popup can be managed from here

Any user can view his subscribed vehicle alerts from dashboard.

Vehicle Alert

This is how vehicle alerts of user appear on his dashboard.

Vehicle Alert

This portion has title of table.

Vehicle Alert

This portion is table header it tells us what different columns represent about a record.
First columns is email address where the vehicle alert will be sent.
Second columns is alert type (frequency of vehicle alerts).
third column is action it can be used to delete (unsubscribe) any vehicle alert.

Vehicle Alert

This portion represents an individual record. It has email address, alert type and delete button
of a vehicle alert.

Vehicle Alert

This portion is at the bottom of the table it has a view all button, click on view all will take
to vehicle alert listing layout where all the vehicle alerts on a user are listed.

Vehicle Alert Listing

Vehicle Alert

Any user can view his vehicle alerts from vehicle alerts listing layout.

Vehicle Alert Click here to read more..

Vehicle Alert

This portion is table header it tells us what different columns represent about a record.
First columns is email address where the vehicle alert will be sent.
Second columns is alert type (frequency of vehicle alerts).
Third column is for criteria of vehicle alert, the criteria is shown as comma operated
pairs of field and values.
Fourth column is action it can be used to delete (unsubscribe) any vehicle alert.

Vehicle Alert

This portion represents an individual record. It has email address, alert type , alert criteria
(comma separated fields and values)
and delete button
of a vehicle alert.

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