WordPress Left menu > JS Jobs > Credits Log.
Admin left menu > Credits Log > Employer Credits Log.
This page has record of all the (credit related) actions that are performed by employer on entities
(company, job etc).
This portion shows all the list of credits log.
This portion is filter for employer credits log. Admin can filter records on the basis of
employer name, action, action on, credit used and data range. When admin uses filter only records that
fulfill his provided criteria are shown on the page. Reset button will disable filter criteria
and show all records.
This portion is the head of the list which represent the employer name, action, action on, credit used,
and date & time.
This portion represents a credits log and provides us details about that specific credit log
like employer name, action, action on, credit used and date & time.
If admin clicks on the name of the employer then a pop-up will appear on screen that will have
all the records that are performed on that particular employer entities.
This pop-up has employer name, action, action on, credits used and date/time.
Employer name is the name of the user who owns he entity on which the action was performed.
Action is the name of that action that was performed.
Action on is a brief description of the action performed like entity name and a link to that
entity (edit case).
Credit used is the cost of the action or how many credits were used while performing that action.
Date and time is the exact date and time on which the action was performed.
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