
Fields & Custom fields

Admin Left Menu > Vehicles > Fields.
Admin Control Panel > Fields (Vehciles).

Admin Left Menu > Users > Fields.


This page has all the fields (system fields + custom fields) of  vehicle or user. it can be 
used for changing titles, user/visitor publish,unpublish status and required of fields.


This portion has a back link that takes to control panel, page title and add new custom field
button. Possible page titles for this page are vehicle field ordering and user field ordering.

Add New Custom Field


This portion has action buttons that can be used for performing different action on single or 
multiple (using check boxes) entities at a time. The buttons that are available are user 
publish/unpublish, visitor publish/unpublish and required and not required.


This portion is filter for fields listing. Admin can filter fields on the basis of field name,
user status, visitor status and required. When admin uses filter only fields that fulfill his 
provided criteria are shown on the page. Reset button will disable filter criteria and show all


This portion is table header it tells us what different columns represent about a record.
First column is a check box it can be used to select multiple fields and perform any action 
on those fields using top action buttons.


This portion represents an individual record. It has field name, user publish/unpublish, 
visitor publish/unpublish, required/ not required, ordering and edit(for system fields), 
delete(for custom fieldds). Field name means what will be the title field on listings, views 
and forms.
User publish/unpublish means to control the visibility of field for logged in user
Visitor publish/unpublish means to control the visibility of field for visitor
Required/ not required means to controls whether field will be required or not 
(whether users will be able to proceed without filling any value in this field or not)
Ordering means what will be the sequence of the fields.
Required and publish, unpublish for user or visitor can be changed by a single click for all 
fields except certain fields.
ordering of any fields can be increased or decreased by a single click.

If admin clicks on edit icon then a popup will appear on screen that will have 
all the customizable (changeable) options of that field.
If admin clicks on delete icon then custom field will be deleted, if no entity holds value 
in that field.


This is how a custom field is gonna appear on page. There is a delete option next to edit.


The possible options for fields can be field title, user status, visitor status,user search, 
visitor search, required and show on listing.
There are certain fields that can not be unpublished or set as not required those fields are 
necessary for the system to work efficiently, for those fields user/visitor status or required 
options will not be visible on popup. There are some  fields that can not be searched so there 
will be no options (user search, visitor search) for those fields. in similar manner there are
some fields that can be made visible on listings so there is no option (show on listing) for 
those fields. There is a save button that saves changes.


This is how popup for a custom field is gonna look like, there will be 'advanced' button on the 
bottom that will take to edit case for that field.

Pagination Pagination.
Click here to read more..

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