

Staff Inbox

Their is a portion of search which staff member use to search the inbox mail by subject. How many mails 
are received show in the inbox. In this portion staff member can also edit, delete, read, and unread 
the mail.

Staff Inbox


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Top Menu

Staff Inbox Staff Inbox

This portion is a top menu for inbox page. The top menu has links of home, tickets, knowledge base,
announcements, downloads and faq's.

Staff Inbox

This portion is page heading it has a page title.


Staff Inbox

This is filter for inbox page, it used to find any specific inbox mail. Staff member filter inbox mail by 
subject. After filling criteria in field click on search button will show mail of that criteria reset 
button will disable the criteria and show all mail list.


Staff Inbox

This portion has three buttons. The buttons name are inbox, outbox and compose.

Mail List

Staff Inbox

In this portion display the list of who many mail are in the inbox. Staff member also view the subject, from,
created and action of the mail. Staff member can also edit, delete, read, and unread the mail.

Mail List Header

Staff Inbox

This portion is the head of the mail list which represent the subject, from, created and action 
of the mail.

Staff Inbox

This portion represents a single mail and provides us details about that specific mail like subject, 
from, created and action.


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