This portion is breadcrumbs. That can be used to access back pages of current page. Breadcrumbs can
be disabled from the configuration.
Click here to read about it
For logged in user
For Visitor
This portion is pagination it can be used to view next or previous records. This portion is
only visible if number of records is greater than pagination size defined in the configuration.
Click here to read about it
For logged in user
For Visitor
In this portion there is select all check box and a delete button on left side, check box
can be used to select all the records on the current page. Delete button can be used for delete
selected record or records.
There is sorting on right side that can be used for sorting records in ascending or
descending order by any of the provided criteria.
In this portion there is a delete button on the left side. Admin can delete records by click on the
delete button.
This portion has action buttons that can be used for performing different action on single or
multiple (using check boxes) entities at a time. The buttons that are available are user
publish/unpublished, visitor publish/unpublished, required and not required.
This portion has action buttons that can be used for performing different action on single or
multiple (using check boxes) entities at a time. The buttons that are available user
publish, unpublished and delete.
This portion is pagination it can be used to view next or previous records. This portion is only visible
if the number of records is greater than pagination size defined in the configuration.
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