There are many scenarios or cases for add vehicle Like.
In this case after filling required fields click on save button will simply save the vehicle.
In this case after filling required fields click on save button will open popup that will have
details like total credits of user, cost of add vehicle, credits remaining after proceeding and
two buttons proceed and cancel.
If user clicks on proceed he will be charged for that vehicle and vehicle will be saved, cancel
button will close the popup without saving the vehicle.
The expiry of vehicle will depend on configuration.
In this case after filling required fields click on save button will open popup that will have
details like total credits of user, credits options for that action with expiries (if defined),
credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.
If user clicks on proceed he will be charged for that vehicle, cancel button will close the
popup without saving the vehicle. Vehicle expiry will be generated by adding credits expiry(days)
in current date.
In this case after filling required fields click on save button will save the vehicle.
Vehicle expiry will generated by adding credits expiry(days) in current date.
Add to featured button is visible on my vehicles page.
When user clicks on add to featured vehicle button.
If cost for add to featured is not defined then vehicle will appear as featured vehicle.
If cost for add to featured vehicle is defined then a popup will appear on screen that
will have details like total credits of user, credits options for that action with
expiries (if defined), credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.
If user does not have required credits for featured vehicle then he will see a message "you do
not have enough credits" and a link to buy credits.
If there is only one credit option with expiry is defined for featured vehicle then this is how popup
is gonna appear.
If there is only one credit option without expiry is defined for featured vehicle then this is how popup
is gonna appear.
If user clicks on proceed, vehicle appear as featured vehicle and credits that was required for
featured vehicle (if multiple credits were defined for featured vehicle then credits
of option selected) will be deducted from his total credits and the featured expiry date will be,
if multiple credits were defined for featured vehicle then expiry of option selected, if no
expiry is defined then it will be featured for 5 years. Cancel button will close the popup.
If user does not have required credits for featured vehicle then he will see a message "you do
not have enough credits" and a link to buy credits.
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