JS Jobs Registration

Employer Control panel > Register.
Job Seeker Control panel > Register.


 There is Joomla/WordPress option for whether anyone can register from front end or not if it is 
disabled then this is how to register page is gonna look like.

To allow user registration in Joomla Admin
Admin > User Manager > Options > Allow User Registration: Yes

To allow user registration in WP Admin
Admin > Settings > Generals > Membership: Anyone can register


 JS Jobs provides interface for user register so that user can register to JS Jobs without 
leaving the site (no third party plug in).


Register Click here to read more..

From employer side
Top Menu

top Menu Click here to read more..

From job seeker side
Top Menu

top Menu Click here to read more..


This portion is page heading. It has page title. 


Fields Area
This portion is has fields that are to be used to fill details for JS Jobs registration
the fields are 
User Name: This will be the user name of new user
Email: This will be email address of new user
First Name: This will be first name of new user
Last Name: This will be last name of new user
Password: This will be password
Password Again: Password confirmation
User Role: What will the role of new user (job seeker, employer)
Captcha: (to avoid spamming)

Register Button


This portion has 'register new account' button, after filling all the fields a single click 
on this button will create a new user in WordPress and JS Jobs simultaneously.

Configurations that affect this page are

Show Captcha On Registration Form
Click here to read more..
Allow User Register As Employer
Click here to read more..

Some users face problem with Google recaptcha  on Joomla.
If you receive 'Error incorrect captcha code' or 'Empty solution'.
Common reasons are.
  • You enable google recaptcha in Joomla global configurations. If yes, please disable it. JS Jobs and Joomla both send captcha request to google and it make conflict.
  • You use third party registration plug-ins i.e K2, KB etc. Third party plug-ins need some fields on registration. When it found, it break registration process and redirect on registration page again.

Found errors? Think you can improve this documentation? Simply click the Edit link at the top of the page, and then the icon on Github to make your changes.