Report By Users

Report By Users

User Reports


User Reports Click here to read about the breadcrumb


User Reports

This is filter portion for report by user page, it can be used to find any user report. Report can 
filter by date or select user name. After filling criteria in fields click on search button will
show report of that criteria reset button will disable the criteria and show all reports.


User Reports

When clicks on the select user a pop-up will appear on screen, this pop-up is used for selecting the user.

Pop-up Header

Staff Reports

This portion is pop-up header it has close icon (cross image) on the right side that can be used to 
close the pop-up.

Pop-up Search

Staff Reports

This portion is a search that can be used to find any specific user. Admin can search on the base
of name, user name and email address. when admin fills search criteria and clicks on search then 
only users that fulfill his information criteria are shown in the pop-up. Reset button disables the
search criteria and shows all users.

Pop-up Fields

Staff Reports

This portion represents different columns of data are (user id, name, user name, email).

User Reports

This portion represents a single user and provides us details about that specific user like user id, 
user name, email address and name.

Overall Report

User Reports


Staff Reports

This portion is the header of the overall reports.

Users Report

Staff Reports Staff Reports

This portion display overall users report and also display how many tickets are new, answered,
pending, overdue, or closed by users.


User Reports

In this portion display the list of all users.


User Reports

This portion is the header of the users.

User Reports

This portion represents a single user and provides us details about that specific user. 

User Detail

User Reports

This portion provides us detail about a specific user. 


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