Add Fields

Add Fields

Admin Lecture Fields > Add Fields   

Admin Companies Listing

This page is used to add new course lecture.


Admin Companies Listing Click here to read more..


Admin Companies Listing

Find Type*: This portion is use to select the find type.
Field Title*: This portion is used for the field title.
Show On Listing: This portion is used to show the field on listing or not.
User Published: This portion is used to select field for user published or not.
Visitor Published: This portion is used to select the field for visitor published or not.
User Search: This portion is used for the user search.
Visitor Search: This portion is used for the visitor search.
Required: This portion is used for the required.
Field Size: This portion is used for the field size.
Max Length: This portion is used for the max length.

Field titles that have '*' next to their title are required.

Save Button

Admin Companies Listing

When admin fill all the required fields and click on the save button new course lecture will be

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