Employer Messages

Employer Messages

Employer Control Panel > Messages.

Employer Messages

This is employer messages page, it has all the messages regarding a particular employer.


Employer Messages Click here to read more..

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Employer Messages
Click here to read more..

Employer Messages

This portion is page heading. It has page title.

Employer Messages

This portion represents a group of messages, the grouping can be on the basis on job or resume. 
Grouping by job means here it will show a total count of messages regarding job from different 
job seekers. Grouping by resume means that if employer sent message to any resume from view resume 
that will be shown here separately.
If first message was sent from job apply then this portion will contain job title, company name and a 
button with count of messages in it, click on this button will take to job messages layout.

Employer Messages

If first message was sent from view resume then this portion will contain job seeker name, resume title 
and a button with count of messages in it,click on this button will take to messages detail layout.

Job Messages
Message details
Initial Message

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