Email Templates

Admin Control Panel > Email Templates.

Email Templates

This page has all the email templates, admin can edit the email templates using this page.

Email Templates

This portion has a back link that takes to control panel and page title.

Email Templates

This portion represent an individual email template, what will be sent in email template. 
This portion appears differently for different email templates.

Email Templates

This portion represents the subject of the email admin can change this text using the 
provided field. 

Email Templates

This portion represents the body (content) of the email. This text editor contains what will 
be the body of email (different body for different actions).

Email Templates

This portion represents the parameters and what those parameters means for the email template 
(meaning names,titles, costs, status). These parameters are required for providing better 
information to the receiver.

Email Templates

This portion has a save email template button that saves changes in the email (updates the email 

Email Templates

This portion has title of all the email templates, admin can use this portion to view any 
particular email template. The email templates that exist in JS Car Manager are.

New vehicle(separate template for admin and user), delete vehicle, vehicle status, visitor 
vehicle, credits pack purchase (separate template for user and admin), credits pack expire, 
register new seller, vehicle alert, make an offer, schedule a test drive, message to seller 
and tell to friend. System has separate email templates for all above cases (actions).

Email Template For New Vehicle (admin)
Whenever a new vehicle is inserted in the system. There is an email template which will be sent 
to admin. The parameters for new vehicle admin email template are.

{SELLER_NAME}: Seller name 
{VEHICLE_TITLE}: Vehicle title (vehicle make, vehicle model and vehicle model year)
{LOCATION}: Vehicle location 
{VEHICLE_STATUS}: Vehicle status 
{VEHICLE_CREDITS}: Vehicle credits 
{VEHICLE_LINK}: Vehicle link

Email Template For New Vehicle (seller)
Whenever a new vehicle is inserted in the system. There is an email template which will be sent 
to seller. The parameters for new vehicle seller email template are.

{SELLER_NAME}: Seller name 
{VEHICLE_TITLE}: Vehicle title (vehicle make, vehicle model and vehicle model year)
{LOCATION}: Vehicle location 
{VEHICLE_STATUS}: Vehicle status 
{VEHICLE_CREDITS}: Vehicle credits 
{VEHICLE_LINK}: Vehicle link

Email Template For New Vehicle (visitor)
Whenever a new vehicle is created in the system by visitor. There is an email template which will
be sent to visitor (seller) and admin. The parameters for new visitor vehicle email template are.

{SELLER_NAME}: Seller name 
{VEHICLE_TITLE}: Vehicle title (vehicle make, vehicle model and vehicle model year)
{LOCATION}: Vehicle location 
{VEHICLE_STATUS}: Vehicle status 
{VEHICLE_LINK}: Vehicle link

Email Template For Vehicle Status
Whenever status of a vehicle is changed vehicle (approve, reject), featured (approved, reject, 
pending), there is a email template which will be sent to seller. The parameters for vehicle 
status email are.

{SELLER_NAME}: Seller name 
{VEHICLE_TITLE}: Vehicle title (vehicle make, vehicle model and vehicle model year)
{LOCATION}: Vehicle location 
{VEHICLE_CREDITS}: Vehicle credits 
{VEHICLE_LINK}: Vehicle link 
{VEHICLE_STATUS}: Vehicle approve or reject(Featured)

Email Template For Delete Vehicle
Whenever a vehicle is deleted, there is a email template which will be sent to seller. The 
parameters for delete vehicle email are.

{SELLER_NAME}: Seller name 
{VEHICLE_TITLE}: Vehicle title

Email Template For Credits Purchase Admin
Whenever a seller purchases a JS Car Manager credits pack, there is a email template which will 
be sent to admin. The parameters for credits purchase admin email are.

{SELLER_NAME}: Seller name 
{PACKAGE_NAME}: Package name 
{PACKAGE_PRICE}: Package price 
{PACKAGE_PURCHASE_DATE}: Package purchase date

Email Template For Credits Purchase
Whenever a seller purchases a JS Car Manager credits pack, there is a email template which will 
be sent to the seller who purchased the credits pack. The parameters for credits purchase email 

{SELLER_NAME}: Seller name 
{PACKAGE_NAME}: Package name 
{PACKAGE_PRICE}: Package price 
{PACKAGE_LINK}: Package link 
{PACKAGE_PURCHASE_DATE}: Package purchase date

Email Template For Credits Expiry
When package purchased by any seller expires, there is a email template which will be sent to 
that seller. The parameters for package expiry email are.

{SELLER_NAME}: Seller name 
{PACKAGE_NAME}: Package name 
{PACKAGE_LINK}: Package link 
{PACKAGE_PURCHASE_DATE}: Package purchase date

Email Template Register New Seller (user)
Whenever a new user registers in the system, there is a email template which will be sent to 
that user. The parameters for new user registration email are

{SELLER_NAME}: Seller name 
{MY_DASHBOARD_LINK}: My dashboard link

Email Template Register New Seller (user)
Whenever any vehicle alert will be sent from JS Car Manager, there is a email template that will
be sent to user (visitor). The parameters for vehicle alert email are.

{VEHILCES_DATA}: info about the vehicles and unsubscribe link.

Email Template For Tell To Friend.
Whenever any user(visitor) sends a vehicle via tell a friend, there is a email template that will
be sent. The parameters for tell a friend email are.

{SENDER_NAME}: Sender name 
{SITE_NAME}: Your website name 
{VEHICLE_TITLE}: Vehicle title (vehicle make, vehicle model and vehicle model year)
{VEHICLE_LINK}: Vehicle link 
{SENDER_MESSAGE}: Sender message

Email Template Make An Offer.
Whenever any user(visitor) makes an offer about any vehicle using our system, an email will be 
sent to the seller of that vehicle. The parameters for make an offer email template are.

{SELLER_NAME}: Seller name 
{VEHICLE_TITLE}: Vehicle title (vehicle make, vehicle model and vehicle model year)
{CUSTOMER_NAME}: Customer name 
{CUSTOMER_EMAIL_ADDRESS}: Customer Email address 
{CUSTOMER_CELL_PHONE}: Customer mobile number 
{CUSTOMER_OFFERED_PRICE}: Customer offered price 
{CUSTOMER_MESSAGE}: Customer message

Email Template Schedule A Test Drive.
Whenever any user(visitor) want to schedule a test drive  any vehicle using our system, an email 
will be sent to the seller of that vehicle. The parameters for schedule a test drive email 
template are.

{SELLER_NAME}: Seller name 
{VEHICLE_TITLE}: Vehicle title (vehicle make, vehicle model and vehicle model year)
{CUSTOMER_NAME}: Customer name 
{CUSTOMER_EMAIL_ADDRESS}: Customer Email address 
{CUSTOMER_CELL_PHONE}: Customer mobile no 
{DAY}: Test Drive Date 
{TIME}: Test Drive Time

Email Template Contact Seller.
Whenever any user(visitor) want to seller of any vehicle using our system, an email will be sent 
to the seller of that vehicle. The parameters for contact seller email template are.

{SLLER_NAME}: Seller name 
{SENDER_NAME}: Sender name 
{SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS}: Sender email address 
{MESSAGE}: Message from sender

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